From Offline to Online and Back
The official part of the POINT 2.0 conference started with the session titled From Offline to Online and Back – Public Campaigns that Work.
Alisa Karovic (UG Zasto ne) opened the Conference by presenting the campaign of the coalition Jednakost (Equality) – Be a citizen. The campaign is inspired by the ruling of the European Court for Human Rights and the Sejdic and Finci vs. BH case. The campaign aims to promote a civic identity of citizens who do not consider themselves members to the three constituent groups in BiH, so that they can
finally be recognized in the society, and they would finally get equal rights and representation at the BiH institutions. The campaign started as an online project, followed with a successful offline follow-up. All around Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens send their photos (or have their photo taken) with messages that they do not consider themselves members of one of the constituent groups, in order to support the campaign.
Emir Hodzic presented the activities of the campaign International White Band Day, which fights against the denial of genocide at the territory of Prijedor, and the inability and prohibition imposed by the local authorities to commemorate the many victims who dies during 1992, as well as to gather in remembrance of these victims, at the territory of Prijedor. He defined the campaign as an international movement which expresses the support against genocide denial through photo. Emir announced that besides the great response the campaign will not be successful until the local authorities in Prijedor allow gathering and commemoration.
Ivan Rozić talked about action Čokoladni nemiri (Chocolate riots), launched through facebook page and implemented on streets of Mostar. Action consisted of sharing chocolate with citizens of this city. The campaign was launched out of a desire to send a positive image of the city Mostar, which was, after a hooligan riot, again inflicted with a stereotype of being ethnically divided city. Ivan wanted to send a message that all the citizens of Mostar can live together, that separations in the city are not and should not be deep nor should they be an obstacle to normal life. He announced the continuation of action in other cities of BiH and promotion of activities that connect people across the country.
Radmila Jeremic from Belgrade presented an application for mobile phones Ostavi ovde! (Leave here!) that provides overview of locations and needs of children’s homes in Serbia, so that all people of good will could easily donate clothes, food and money to children who need it most.
Miodrag Dakić (Centre for Environment – Banja Luka) presented the activities of the Citizens Initiative Park je naš! (Park is ours!) which was aimed at saving the city park in Banja Luka, which was sold to a private investor without public debate, to build a residential and business complex, without obtaining the necessary permits and not in accordance with the city plan. The initiative was launched through facebook page and culminated in everyday peaceful walks of citizens who were carrying placards with messages that highlight the fight against corruption. The city authorities have ignored the voice of the citizens represented by mass street walks and petitions, while public and private media completely ignored the initiative. However, despite the continuation of building the complex, the initiative managed to gather mass support among the population, continuing to inform citizens about illegal activities and corruption in the wider area of Banja Luka.