Emir Zulejhić
CA "Why not"
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Emir is an editor of the media fact-checking website “Raskrinkavanje.ba”. He joined CA “Why Not” first as an intern back in May 2017, after which he stayed as an employee. Also, he is a student of International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Sarajevo.
In 2017, he completed an intensive year-long program “Academy for youth leaders in civic society” as a first generation member. After achieving the great results, he was engaged as a mentor for newcomers in the second and third generation, and he coordinates the Alumni group as well.
Emir is an activist since early high school when he was a board member of the largest secondary school students organization in BiH where he coordinated work of the organization in over 60 local communities. He is currently working as a trainer, educator, and consultant for several NGO’s.