Biljana Spasovska
Biljana Spasovska is the Executive Director of BCSDN, a regional network of CSOs dedicated to empowering civil society in the Balkans. With over a decade of experience, she has led numerous policy and advocacy initiatives that have significantly strengthened civil society’s influence in national and EU policy processes. Biljana has been instrumental in various regional, EU, and global projects aimed at creating enabling environments for civil society, enhancing accountability, and promoting effective development cooperation.
At POINT 12, Biljana will present on the transformative potential of the Monitoring Matrix, a comprehensive framework developed by and for civil society. Her presentation will showcase the Matrix’s efficacy in promoting democratic principles, safeguarding human rights, and fostering collaboration among civil society actors, policymakers, and stakeholders. Given the conference’s emphasis on new technologies, she will also explore innovative ways to leverage the Matrix to enhance transparency, accountability, and civic engagement in the digital age.
Biljana is current Co-Chair of the global CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, a member of the Global Standard for CSO Accountability, and an Honorary member of the EESC. She holds an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Bologna and is pursuing a PhD in Globalization and Democracy.