Anna Kuliberda
Anna Kuliberda is a member of the Community Team at Fundacja TechSoup. There, she works on technology for accountability in the Western Balkans region and develops on-line and off-line space for communication on Fundacja TechSoup’s communityboostr.org.
She co-organized Techcamp Sarajevo and different barcamps and hackathons around the topic of technology for social change. She’s a member of theNetSquared Local Warsaw team. A civic activist and educator, she’s a member of the Citizenship network – Watchdog Poland (formerly known as the Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups). She’s fascinated with freedom of information, open data and the power of on-&-off-line civil society for transparency and better democracy.
Foundation TechSoup was established by TechSoup Global in 2009 as an independent Polish foundation, with the focus of supporting the development of civil society in Poland, Europe and across the world.
TechSoup’s programs and services include:
Community Driven Innovation – in cooperation with partners from Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Kosovo, currently running a technology for accountability project in the Western Balkans called community boostr.
Technology Product Donations – Building NGO capacity through technology access and enablement. Product donation service serves organisations with support, content, webinars, interactive forums and technology products.
In Poland, apart from being a donation platform, Technologie.org.pl website serves also as an educational portal about technology.
Twitter: @adrebiluka