Hiba Khalil
Hiba Khalil is currently a Program Manager for 1Libya, a local NGO focusing on media and civic education. Prior to 1Libya Hiba worked at World Learning, Washington, DC based nonprofit, as a Senior Program Officer, managing Short-Term Technical Programs from Critical Priority Countries. Ms. Khalil has over 12 years of professional experience, including 7 years implementing and developing youth and education programs. Ms. Khalil is responsible for management of 1Libya and for all program oversight, including developing new programs, and providing leadership to the 1Libya team. Additionally, Hiba has experience with community outreach efforts and capacity building of CSO’s. Ms. Khalil has a Masters degree from Columbia University in International Educational Development and born in Tripoli, Libya.
1Libya is a non-profit organization that was founded in March 2011, at the start of the Libyan revolution to assist in the liberation of the country through media support. During the transition phase, it has focused on media and civic education, areas that are essential to the development of a successful modern democratic state.