Besjana Hysa
Besjana Hysa – Office Manager/Project Manager at Albanian Institute of Science. Holds a diploma in Informatic Engineering at Polytechnic University of Tirana.
In the course of almost four years, she has been working on promoting Transparancy through Data by monitoring and analysing information on everything related to public expenditures in Albania and implementing digital platforms that provide the public with:
- increased accountability through information about how taxpayers’ money is collected and spent via Tax Calculator
- Information about the clients of every state institution through Treasury Monitoring including total amounts of expenditures and transactions.
- Information and increased understanding of electoral spending processes through the Electoral Spending Albania
Currently, working on Za´Lart Albania – Raise Voices Albania project, with the slogan Make Election Count, ICT for fair Election. This project created an open source platform, web, and app, for the 2013 elections, where citizens could report on election-related problems. The organization shall again invite the citizens in the June 21st elections to report cases of vote buying or vote abuse.