Besjana Hysa – Open Spending in Albania
At Point 3.0 conference Besjana Hysa will talk about Open Spending Albania (http://spending.data.al/ ) platform where citizens, through several applications, can get information on everything related to public expenditures. Services offered to the public include monitoring of the state treasury;online tax calculation; money map and budget. The project has a successful advantage as it comes at the end of a two-year data gathering activity.
Besjana Hysa is a moderator in Albanian Institute of Science project Open Data Albania and Opend Spending Platform .
For 3 years is actively engaged in promoting Transparency through Data by monitoring and analysis of information on everything related to public expenditures in Albania and implementing digital platforms for providing information to citizens.
Graduated from the Faculty ofInformatic Engineeringat Polytechnic University of Tirana.