Aleksandar Đekić
Becej Youth Association – BUM, Serbia
Alexander Đekić is a founding member and a president of Bečej Youth Association – BUM, editor in chief of the portal “MojBečej” which, in addition to daily information, focuses on investigative journalism in the field of public finance.
He has been engaged as a researcher in the Coalition for Oversight of Public Finances, vice president of the board of directors of the National Association of Practitioners of Youth Worker, secretary of General Association of Entrepreneurs, a member of the Youth Council of Vojvodina and a member of the Working Group of the National Convention on the EU for sectors of Public Procurement and Financial Control.
His professional interests are mainly related to new technologies, the fight against corruption, public information, the professionalization of youth work and entrepreneurship.
He is a conceptual maker of the software, for civil control about funding of political election activities “Posmatrač izbora” and the portal for the Civic Control of oversight of local budgets “Budzeti.rs”.