Anto Bajo – Institute for Public finances
Anto Bajo is a senior scietific collaborator at the Institute for public finances and an associate Professor at the Faculty for Economics at the University of Zagreb. He graduated and got his master at that faculty, and he got his doctorate at the Faculty for Economocs in Ljubljana.
He is an employee of Institute for public finances in Zagreb from 1996. From 2005, he is a lecturer at the Faculty for economics in Zagreb for subjets of Local and Public finances in undergraduate studies, Managing public debt on graduate studies and Managing finances in public sector on doctoral studies. He is an author of two books, Financing higher education and science (2003) and Budget system – ornaments or means of management of public finances (2006) and a co-author of two books Public finances of local entities of government (2008) and Basics for managing public debt (2011).
He is a member of: Parliament board for finances and budger, management council at the Institute for public finance, Comitee of financing higher education and science (at the Agency for science and higher education) and International Atlantic Economic Society (USA).
His specialities are managing public sector finances, budget systam and fiscal federalism.