Bardhyl Jashari
Bardhyl Jashari is the director of Metamorphosis Foundation where he is exploring opportunities to develop partnerships that increase public access to information technology in Macedonia and the region. Previously he worked as Information Program Coordinator of the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia. In both capacities, he has run national and international-scope projects for development of Information Society, involving tight cooperation with other international organizations, governmental bodies, the business and the civic sector. He is a member of the National Council for Information Society of Macedonia.
During POINT 2.0 conference Barhyl will speak on methods of civic participation in activites of government institutions via moblie phones and the internet, including the Picodemocracy concept which enables citizens to gain information on activities of government and to voice their concerns or approval directly towards elected officials.
Bardhyl obtained a master degree at Paris 12 University, Faculty of Public Administration (France). He also holds an Information System Designer Degree from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organisation and Informatics Varazdin (Croatia).