Blanka Zöldi
Blanka Zöldi, a journalist for over ten years, is the editor-in-chief of Lakmusz, the first dedicated fact-checking website in Hungary, launched in January 2022. Lakmusz is part of Hungary’s anti-disinformation hub (LAKMUSZ-HDMO, co-financed by the European Union). Collaborating closely with popular news website 444.hu, Lakmusz has reached over 3 million readers in its first two years of operations, and has become verified member of IFCN and EFCSN.
Ahead of the European elections, Lakmusz contributed to the creation of EFCSN’s repository of election-related fact-checks. Additionally, it also carried out a project (funded by EMIF) to uncover, analyse and debunk sponsored disinformation on VLOPs.
Before launching Lakmusz, Blanka worked as a political and business reporter with daily news sites, and spent five years as an investigative reporter with Direkt36 nonprofit investigative journalism center. She mainly covered political corruption and misuse of power, participating in various cross-border collaborations of ICIJ and OCCRP.