Edin Deljkić
During the last seven years of work in the IT industry, Edin Deljkić has gained knowledge and experience in several fields, including: development, branding, graphic design, web design, UI\UX design, and project management. Edin is one of the co-founders of ‘Sredi Svoj Grad’ (Fix Your Town) organization where he is active in visual communications, new media, graphic design, project branding, and pilot projects bobak.sredisvojgrad.org and sredisvojgrad.com.
The ‘Sredi Svoj Grad’ association was created by five friends who wanted to share their IT knowledge and experience with civil society organizations. After years of work in the IT industry on enterprise projects with new technologies and big clients, we realized that through practical implementation of our knowledge, we can help the development of local communities and undertake an active role in civil society. ‘Sredi Svoj Grad’ was developed by Aida Riković, Edin Deljkić, Maja Kasumović, Samir Eljazović and Zaharije Pašalić.
‘Sredi Svoj Grad’ is currently working on implementing a platform for reporting problems within the local community to officials. More information on the project can be viewed on the following link: http://www.sredisvojgrad.com/.
Besides the pilot project – ‘Sredi Svoj Grad’, the organization also launched Bobak service for searching companies with blocked accounts in BiH. More information on Bobak can be viewed here