Elida Zylbeari
Metamorphosis Foundation
North Macedonia
Experienced journalist and editor. She is working at Metamorphosis Foundation as project leader on projects related to freedom of speech and projects related to strengthening media in Macedonia.
She holds a master’s degree on Diplomacy and bachelor’s degree in Communication sciences from SEE University in North Macedonia.
Since 2012 she is the Editor in chief of the Albanian news portal www.Portalb.mk.
Since 2018 she is the Editor in chief of the Albanian version of the project for promoting and teaching media literacy, Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink.
From 2014 – 2018 she was a board member of The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia.
From 2012 until 2014 she was the Editor in chief of the Albanian version of the factchecking project Media Fact-Checking Service.
She is certified trainer by TechSoup for Media Literacy and Countering Disinformation.
She has been a panelist is various national and international conferences on issues concerning freedom of speech and media, media literacy, digital and investigative journalism, good governance and transparency.