Emir Zulejhić
CA "Why not"
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Emir joined the Association of Citizens “Why not” in 2017. He has been a part of the Raskrinkavanje team since its establishment, and he has been analyzing media content ever since. Also, Emir is the editor and project coordinator at Raskrinkavanje.
He has completed a one-year program, “Academy for Young Leaders in Civil Society” of the SHL Foundation 2017, and he won the scholarship of the Digital Communications Network exchange and fellowship program, which he attended in the USA in 2019. He was also a student of the School of Political Studies in BiH in the class of 2020/2021. Emir is currently an undergraduate student in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo.
Emir has been an activist since high school years. He also works as a trainer in the youth education department of the SHL Foundation, as an occasional educator, trainer and consultant of many civil society organizations, and is a regular speaker at domestic and international conferences. So far, he has been the author and co-author of several research papers, publications and manuals in the fields of quality of education, political literacy, media analysis, media misinformation and media literacy.