Jasna Žugić
Novi Sad Cycling Initiative
Jasna Žugić is an activist at Novi Sad Cycling Initiative (NSBI) which is an organization that is trying to improve, develop and promote cycling. She is involved in many activites such as organizing Novi sad Critical Mass, open-air cinema and breakfasts for cyclists,„Biciklograd“ program, but also educating young people in Novi Sad.Her background is in journalism and project management, but with other people from NSBI (lawyers, architects,photographers) she has learned a lot about public advocacy, institutional procedures and communication with representatives of different institutions.
Even though Novi Sad is the city in Serbia which has the best cycling infrastructure and the most cyclists, Jasna and her team mates aren‘t satysfied with only that – they look up to and strive to be as Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Besides cycling, Jasna writes about cultural scene in Novi Sad, works with many music bands and at music festivals around the region.