Joseph O’Leary
Full Fact
Joseph O’Leary is Full Fact’s Senior Writer/Researcher. For the last few years he has led on developing standards for data visualisations at and has helped consult on good practice guidance for communicating data. He has also managed Full Fact’s corrections casework and currently specialises in crime and immigration research. He was previously employed at the Media Standards Trust.
Full Fact is the UK’s independent factchecking organisation providing free tools, information and advice, so people can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.
Since launching in 2010, nearly every UK national newspaper and politicians from across the political spectrum have issued corrections at their request. Full Fact also pioneered live factchecking in partnership with the BBC, Sky, CNN and other broadcasters. For their largely crowdfunded UK general election project they moved in to an ‘election centre’ – an 18 hours/day, 7 days/week factchecking operation staffed by full time employees and volunteers. The project has received national TV and press coverage.