Kate Coyer
Central European University, Hungary
Kate Coyer directs the Civil Society and Technology Project for the Center for Media, Data and Society in the School of Public Policy at Central European University (CEU).
Her work examines the complexities of media practice and policy; digital rights advocacy and social uses of technologies; media development and communication for social change; and the opportunities and challenges of emerging technologies and resilience of ‘old’ mediums like radio. She currently leads research on social media companies, freedom of expression and violent extremism online as part of the Vox-Pol project (voxpol.eu).
She has a PhD from Goldsmiths College, University of London and is the author of the Alternative Media Handbook (Routledge). A media producer, trainer, and communication rights activist, Kate has helped build community radio stations worldwide with the Prometheus Radio Project.
Her recent work supporting mobile internet access for refugees has been featured on the BBC World Service, National Public Radio, Washington Post, New Scientist, and others.