Lucy Chambers
Tech to Human
United Kingdom
Lucy Chambers is a free-range tech translator, specialising in finding common language between technologists and domain experts across a variety of fields.
She is currently working as a Product Owner for eHealth Africa, where she helps design products that strengthen health systems, improve psychosocial support for families affected by illness, and aid data driven decision making in public health policy.
Previously she led the School of Data programme at the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF), enabling journalistic and non-profit organisations to use data to improve their workflows, investigations and organisational decision making.
While at OKF, she also co-edited the Data Journalism Handbook, mentored NGOs on their technology projects and authored a number of white papers including the Technology for Transparent and Accountable Public Finance report.
She writes about her learnings at techtohuman.com.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @lucyfedia