Marija Kujačić
Serbian Directorate for e-Government
Marija Kujačić is Head of Department for Implementation and Support in Serbian Directorate for e-Government, body inside the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government. She manages activities on development of e-Government on strategic, organisational and project management level. She used to work for Information Technology and Internet Agency as Head of IS Development Group, as well as International Projects Coordinator. As a member of Negotiation Group for Chapter 10, Information Society and media she is involved in harmonization of legal framework with the EU legislation. She managed project of establishing e-Government Portal, promoting user centricity approach for government services. She is involved in providing information for European e-Government annual benchmark, as well as for UN E-Government Survey. Participated in preparation of the Action Plan for Open Government Initiative, as well as activities and projects on open government and open data in Serbia.