Nafisa Hasanova
Global Media Registry
Nafisa Hasanova is Head of Research at Global Media Registry where she manages Media Ownership Monitor and State Media Monitor projects.
She has been working on MOM since 2016, then we Reporters without Borders, she implemented MOM projects in Ukraine (2016), Serbia (2017), Albania (2018), Sri Lanka (2018), India (2019) and Pakistan (2019). Currently she is overseeing the implementation of Media Ownership Monitor projects in the Balkans in collaboration with BIRN offices in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and is based in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Prior to joining Media Ownership Monitor (i.e. RSF and GMR) she worked on EU foreign policy issues in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia for think tanks such as Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Fundacion para las Relationes Internacionales y el Dialogo Exterior (FRIDE), development NGOs and Peacebuilding organisations, such as APRODEV and Crisis Management Initiative, respectively. Nafisa holds an MA in Intercultural Communication and European Studies from Fulda University in Germany. She was born and raised in Samarkand, Uzbekistan where she studied Philology and Anthropology.
She is excited to be here.