Nele Leosk
Nele Leosk is a PhD researcher in political science at European University Institute (EUI). Her research interests include: governance and democracy innovation, institutional change, new technologies and public sector reform, e-democracy and e-participation.
Before her PhD research, she worked at e-Governance Academy (eGA) – a think tank founded for the creation and transfer of knowledge on e-governance and e-democracy based in Tallinn, Estonia. As a Program Director of the e-Governance Academy, she has been promoting the use of the ICTs for public sector leaders in Central and Eastern European countries, South Eastern Europe, the CIS, in Western Asia and in Africa. She is a speaker on e-governance, e-democracy, e-participation, and ICT in education, and she has given e-governance advice and lectures to higher officials from Albania, Moldova, Ukraine, Palestinian National Authority, Iraq, Haiti, India, Macedonia, Taijikistan, and others.
She was a programme co-chair of International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ICEGOV in 2011 and serves as a programme committee member for various e-governance and e-democracy conferences. She was a board member of Estonian Development Cooperation Association.