Sandra Pernar
Open Government Partnership
Sandra is a Senior Regional Coordinator in the Open Government Partnership. She provides guidance and assistance to governments in Europe, primarily in Southern and Eastern Europe, facilities exchange and learning between governments, as well as support to civil society organizations in these countries to push for open government reforms.
Prior to joining OGP, Sandra has worked as Senior Advisor in the Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs. She is a long-standing champion of open government and a stalwart supporter of OGP both within her native Croatia and beyond – she has served as OGP Point of Contact for Croatia, on OGP Steering Committee and was a member of inaugural Board of Directors of the OGP Secretariat.
She was also the President of the Academy for Political Development, a Croatian organization which primarily provides political education and networking for young leaders in politics, business, public administration, civil society and media. Before all of that, she was the Executive Director of GONG, a leading Croatian anti-corruption, FOI and good governance NGO. She holds a BA in political science from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science.
Sandra can be reached at [email protected]