Sanja Bojanić – UNDP Montenegro
Sanja Bojanić is a team leader in charge of two clusters at the UNDP in Montenegro: Democratic Governance and Economy and Environment.
As Democratic Governance Team Leader, Sanja’s area of focus is Montenegro’s democratization and advancement in the EU Accession process by enhancing rule of law, government effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and accountability, human security and respect of human rights.
As Economy and Environment Team Leader, Sanja oversees the work of the cluster and the Sustainable Development Center, with an aim to effectively support Montenegro as it moves towards a low emission market economy in a way that promotes the wellbeing and prosperity of communities, the environment where they live and work, and local economy.
Sanja designs strategic programs that promote transparency and accountability at national and local level, facilitate access to justice, with focus on poor and women and enhance government capacity to adopt standards related to Copenhagen criteria and policies for sustainable human development. Working with government partners and in close coordination with international organizations and civil society, Sanja has identified and developed interventions including capacity assessments and functional reviews at central and local level, corruption risk assessments, integrity assessments, local governance, and demilitarization programs. She has led development of two UNDP publications on sustainable tourism development and inter-municipal cooperation and co-authored a book on business plan development. In addition, Sanja provides policy advice to the Resident Coordinator in the area of public administration and institutional reform. She also ensures provision of top quality advisory services and facilitation of knowledge building and management.
Within UNDP, Sanja also wrote blogs on good governance, monitoring government performance and Public Administration Reform and complexity; with Bratislava Regional Center she worked on developing a guidance note for regional programming on the role of State Audit Institutions in increasing accountability in the public spending with focus on financing of political parties and regional approach to corruption prevention in Western Balkans.
Sanja Bojanić has 17 years of experience as a manager in public and international organizations, leading small teams of two as well as a bigger one of fifteen towards greater effectiveness and efficiency through disciplined planning and focus on monitoring and evaluation of results.
She holds Master’s degree in business administration from Brandeis University, USA, and speaks Montenegrin, English and Macedonian.