Tijana Cvjetićanin is a research coordinator for CA „Why not” since 2009, with specific interest in research in the field of political accountability and is currently engaged as a researcher for „Istinomjer” (Truth-o-meter) initative, with the goal of promoting political and governmental responsibility in BiH. Apart from this activity, she has also coordinated several other projects for CA „Why not” in the areas of political accountability, citizen participation and peace and antimilitarist activism, including the coordination of oganizing the Regional peace caravans. Tijana has worked as a media researcher for Media Center in Sarajevo, as well as a consultant for analyzing political party programs and their implementation, for Metamofozis in Macedonia, MJAFT in Albania and Center for democratic transition in Montenegro. She has a graduate degree in Ethnology and anthropology from Belgrade University and is currently a masters degree candidate for Gender Studies at Center for Interdisciplinart Postraduate Studies at Sarajevo University. She was born in Belgrade in 1976, and currently resides in Sarajevo.