Veranika Laputska
EAST Research Center
In her current role, Ms. Veranika Laputska is responsible for implementing and coordinating projects within the scope of the Center activities, such as Mapping Digital Influencers, Disinformation Resilience in Belarus, Artistic Bialowieza, etc, drafting reports for partners on the democratization process in Central and Eastern Europe, in particular on mass media and disinformation, drafting analytical papers on the media discourse in Eastern and Central Europe.
Previously she has cooperated with the OSCE/ODIHR, the EU East StratCom Task Force, the Council of Europe and the USHMM, worked in business consulting and academia.
She is a also PhD Candidate in Sociology from the Graduate School for Social Research, the Polish Academy of Sciences, holds a master’s degree in Economy and Society from Lancaster University, and a master’s degree in East European Studies from the University of Warsaw.