Vladimir Petreski
Metamorphosis Foundation
North Macedonia
Since 2013 Vladimir has worked at the Metamorphosis Foundation from Skopje as a fact checking editor and project coordinator. He is the editor of Truthmeter.mk and over the years he also edited other Metamorphosis fact-checking initiatives such as factchecking.mk (media fact checking portal) and crithink.mk (media literacy, critical thinking and fact checking educational internet hub), as well as various publications covering the subjects of fact checking, countering disinformation, fighting discriminatory and hate speech, analyzing the social media lanscape, etc.
He also regularly holds training sessions for NGO members and activists, journalists and students on these same subjects.
Truthmeter.mk is an International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) certified member for three years now, and a Facebook Independent Third Party Fact Checking Partner.
During his journalism career (since 1988) he worked in various publications in N. Macedonia as a journalist and editor, trying to bring to the forefront issues contributing to strengthening the democracy in the country and the region.