Zoran Kuret
As a consultant in the field of development and application of information technologies, Zoran Kuret has a 20 year experience in designing, making and introducing information solutions in organisations and companies of different kinds and sizes – financial organisations, merchant firmas, government institutions, and also in solutions for different segments of business improvement and informatization.
In the past several years he is active in international projects of developing and introducing information technologies in institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Throughout his rich career he has focused on projecting and production of Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) and Customer relationship management systems. He has specialised in Strategic information management as an innovative approach to informatization through integration with business processes and complete compatibility of informatics with strategic plans and goals of management.
He is an advocate of universal application of information technologies, simple solutions which help users in pervorming regular activities while providing them with added value throug new and different angles of observation.
His specialities are Oracle databases, CRM and business inteligence solutions and architecture of complex heterogeneous solutions for connecting data from different institutions and organisations.
He graduated from Faculty of electrical engineering in Sarajevo in 1995., and he completed his master thesis in Strategic information management at Faculty of economics in Sarajevo in 2013. he is currently employed as System architect and information technology consultant in Alfa24 company (Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina).