Innovative tools and initiatives helping the work of civil society
Second day of the Point 6.0 conference introduced us to three innovative ideas created in the Balkans.
Aleksandar Todorović, from OCCRP, spoke about the eco-system developed inside this organization that is simple and easily accessible for anybody. The system is tested and being already used by several news organizations. The project started as a part of the fellowship by one person, and today it represents a new model that could be used by many around the world.
Darko Ivanović from the Civic Alliance Montenegro introduced the Badger, a wearable electronic pin recently developed and introduced to the public as the new “portable, online, social window to an offline world controlled by the user”. The Badger’s creators are already in the center of the international attention, especially in the US. Their plan is to give the badger for free to all NGOs around the world, allowing them to share their causes globally.
Finally, Besjana Hysa and Jonida Sali from the Albanian institute of science, introduced PEN – Procurement Albania. The project aims to monitor the public procurement in 61 municipalities of the country. It is already showing results and pointing out to high risk of corruption in almost all of the monitored municipalities, and can be used as a warning system. What they are trying to see is how much money citizens are losing, and which are the companies who are winning. The project is still in the process of development.