OPEN/CLOSED: Citizens and Their Governments
May 22, 2014 | by:
At the first panel discussion called “Open/Closed: Government and Citizens” “Open/Closed. Citizens and their Givernments” guests representing Open Government Partnership (Arnout van de Vaart), BiH (Maja Brankovic, Transparency International and Darko Brkan, Zasto ne), Croatia (Anto Bajo, Institute for Public Finances) and Poland (Krzysztof Izdebski, Watchdog Poland) discussed how governments need to be proactively transparent.
The discussion was moderated by Nermina Voloder from Analitika BiH. Opening the government takes much more than simply opening the data, even though the first step itself poses huge challenges .
Changing the attitude and getting citizens truly engaged is the key, but we can’t pretend we don’t have a long way to go.