Making Government Transparent and Accountable
Sunlight Foundation is probably the most prominent organization in the United States in the field of using new technologies and internet for securing and promoting accountability and transparency of the government. Ellen Miller, one of the co-founders of the foundation, during the POINT conference, will present the work of Sunlight foundation and hold a presentation on the subject of “How to make government transparent and accountable” through the use of latest technologies. Ellen has been worked in the field of non-profit advocacy, grassroots activism and journalism for over 35 years.
Ms. Miller’s work has recently been featured in Government Technology (“Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers in Public Sector Innovation,” March 2011), Washingtonian Magazine (“100 Tech Titans,” May, 2009), Fast Company, (“The Most Influential Women in Technology,” January, 2009), WIRED Magazine (“15 People The Next President Should Listen To,” October, 2008), The Chronicle of Philanthropy (“Seeking Online Exposure,” January, 2008). Ms. Miller also served as deputy director of Campaign for America’s Future, was the publisher of and was a senior fellow at The American Prospect. She spent nearly a decade working on Capitol Hill. She blogs regularly at