Monitoring Misinformation at Scale @ Hotel Holiday
May 10, 2019 | by: Dalio Sijah
After a terrorist attack, sudden onset disaster, or planning for monitoring or coverage of an election campaign, social media offers deep insights into responses and reactions by a larger community. Measured changes in volume and velocity, linked to the growth in content creation and speed of dissemination, can hold actionable information on public sentiment and what’s driving it. As important as what’s visible, is what is not present or overwhelmed by dominant perspectives. Though observation can help mainstream media, civil society and government respond, few do. Sitting at the intersection of politics, social science, big data, analytics, journalism, network studies and activism, how can these new frames help reduce tension, prevent violent outbreaks, identify risk vectors and drivers of hate or violence?
Sanjana Hattotuwa will take participants on a deep dive into data collected in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Christchurch
Workshop location: