Zombijana draws Twitter Exhibition
On the second day of POINT 3.0 we have an exhibition by Zombijana Bones, born in Podgorica as Andrijana Vešović. This exhibition will present her work from the second season of the project „Zombijana draws Twitter“, in which she visually presents chosen tweets.
As a part of this exhibition, visitors will ges a few interesting presents from Zombijana, and the most interesting tweets from the conference will be painted and displayed at the conferenc.
The exhibition will be set up in art cinema Kriterion from the beginning of the conference on 22nd of May to the end of the conference on Sunday, 25th of May, and its opening will be announced soon in the program of the conference.
Andrijana learned her drawing technique in the ‘Art center’ atellier in Podgorica, and in order for her work to get some meaning, Andrijana choose to study on the Faculty of Visual Arts at the Mediterreninan university in Podgorica.
She says she enjoys punk music, good movies and she is currently planing her next move to rule the world, ’cause she is really evil.
She is currently living in Belgrade and working as a designer for a startup project Media Works.